
Chess Mania

Chess Mania

Like many things in life, including life itself, chess is both a game and a puzzle. Chess Mania is a free chess puzzle. There is nothing more satisfying than trying to find your way through the puzzles and the hardships of life by using the lessons you’ve learned from playing chess. 

The lessons learned from playing this chess game are designed to test your sanity, strategy, and tactics. We think you’ll like this chess game because it teaches the fundamentals of chess in a fun way that also lets you see the game from a whole new perspective. 

If you have played chess before and enjoyed it, but for whatever reason, you have been away from playing it for a while, we are absolutely convinced that this game and its series of challenges will somehow train you, brain you, and fully explain to you the magic of chess. If you want to get good at stuff in the real world (apparently), you need to learn to play, play to learn, and then take those skills out in the real world. Thank you for reading and playing.